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1I am fully prepared for my IELTS/TOEFL/PTE. I just want to give mock tests to assess my progress. Is there any such arrangement made by ICD?

Yes, we arrange weekly mock tests for our students to track their progress. We have a proper mock test arrangement for individuals who merely want to appear for the practise test. Mock test sessions are customized to match the needs of each individual.

2I do not have any idea about which course to enroll in, how do I decide?

Prior to finishing your enrollment process, our instructors will have a detailed meeting with you. They will assist you in selecting the most appropriate course after completely discussing your aims and requirements with you.

3Due to time restraint, I cannot enroll in a full course (2 months). I only have a month to prepare for my test, what I should do?

We offer crash courses for students who have limited time for test preparation. These classes are tailored to the students' needs. Contact the administration for assistance in finding the best solution to your problem.  

4What is the difference between online and in-person classes?

Our instructors do not compromise on the quality of teaching, whether it is an online class or in-person, equal time, fair guidance & support, practice material, and resources are provided to all the learners.

5When does the next class or new session start?

We start new courses/sessions mostly every Monday.

6How should I register for IELTS/TOEFL/PTE/OET Test?

We register the candidates for the final test. Just contact our administration department, submit your ID details and fee and the job will be done. 

7How do I know which language level to enroll in?

Our instructors conduct an initial assessment prior to placing students in any level. The assessment results are used to designate the level of each student.

8How do I schedule my first language class?

Send us your message on WhatsApp, call us on UAN: 051-111-189-190, or visit us in person to schedule the classe.

9What should I do if I am unable to attend in-person classes?

Besides physical classes, ICD also offers online courses to accommodate remote learners or learners who are unable to attend in-person classes due to any other problem.